

            We live in an ever-changing world where the media rules. What people see on television, on the Internet, in magazines, and elsewhere can very quickly change the way they act or see the world. Young or old, we are constantly ingesting whatever the media spits at us and processing it in our own ways. Our society has become so addicted to social media and television that many controversial issues have arose based on the ‘values’ displayed there. One huge issue is sex, more specifically, unprotected sex. With television shows like Teen Mom, Gossip Girl, and Jersey Shore on the air, it’s hard to miss all the scenes of sexual relationships, and none of these scenes show the cast members using protection. This displays a subliminal message, whether the show intended it or not, that sex is no big deal, nothing to worry about, nothing to plan about. No wonder so many people are having unexpected pregnancies.

            With this rising number of unexpected pregnancies comes a rise in the number of abortions. An abortion, by definition, is the voluntary termination of pregnancy by removing the embryo or fetus completely from the uterus. This is where the controversy comes in. Some people believe that abortion is an excellent thing and, naturally, others are strongly against it. Those who are against abortion consider a fetus or embryo as a baby, therefore by terminating a pregnancy, a baby’s life is being ended before it even begins. These people are referred to as ‘pro-lifers’ since they advocate for the rights of the unborn baby and insist that it shouldn’t be harmed.   On the other hand, it’s hard not to see the positive side of abortion. It is extremely beneficial to pregnancies that result from rape or incest, as well as to pregnancies that may harm the mother in the long run. Teens who get pregnant by accident would have a chance to finish school and get their life on track if they would have abortions. Pregnant women addicted to drugs or alcohol would be able to eliminate the risk of bringing an addicted or handicapped baby into the world.

            I think, in a sense, some women who choose to have abortions are also pro-lifers, because choosing to have the baby might make life hard on the both of them. Rather than a life of suffering for both mother and unwanted child, the mother makes a wise decision to have an abortion. No matter what people think about abortion, I think it should be legal, and accessible to every woman. Ultimately, they are the ones who choose their own paths, and what’s right for them in their lives.  

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