Global Climate Change


          This winter, the weather has been insanely unpredictable. One day, it’s freezing outside with -30oC ice storms, the next day it’s a nice 4oC outside, and the snow is melting. These erratic patterns of weather are one of many signs of global climate change. Scientists all over the world have proven that the temperature of our planet, for the most part, is increasing slowly but surely. The temperature may not be increasing by much, but even the slightest change is significant to our planet. For example, it only takes a 5oC decrease in global temperature to cause an ice age.

            For some reason, there are still some naysayers out there who don’t believe that global warming is happening. The evidence, however, is right in front of our noses. Take the example highlighted in the article “Warmer seas ‘are making fish smaller'”. This article explains how, due to global climate change, many different species of fish are not growing to be as large as they used to. The people who deny global climate change say this is because of the availability of food, and also the increase in fishing. However, when looking at it logically, the variety of species affected are not all from the same habitat, meaning they don’t all consume the same food source and are not all fished equally. The only thing they have in common is the increased temperature of the water they live in.

            There is a specific reason why people aren’t quick to believe global climate change; it’s because we are to blame. Human activities make up for a lot of the increased global temperature. Deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels are two of the major ways that humans contribute to the increased temperature, and these are two things that our society ‘cannot function without’. Renewable energy is too pricey for most people and deforestation fuels the world’s materialism.

            Despite all this, I still believe that we have the power to change this. Even if each individual takes the time to do a few things to be more ecologically friendly, such as turn the lights off when not in the room, carpool, or waste less paper, it will make an enormous difference. This is a time when the world must come together and make a huge change. Otherwise, what might happen to us? Sooner or later, we’ll run out of fossil fuels to burn, or else we’ll have completely destroyed our ozone layer, and the sun will burn up our planet. Whether the result of global climate change will be as disastrous as the film 2012 depicts, or if something else entirely happens, no outcome of this can be good unless we try to fix it now, before it’s too late. 

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