It Takes All Kinds


           It is safe to say that all human beings are unique. Not everyone is going to look the same, not everything will be well-liked by all, and no one is going to be loved by everyone. This is just a universal fact of life, and it is not a theory that will necessarily be denied by anyone.

            This being said, I believe that it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. Some may believe that scientific geniuses are what keep us alive, and that without them, we wouldn’t be able to function as we do today. In a sense, there is some truth to this statement. If science-minded people had never existed, we would be missing many aspects of life and inventions that exist today. For example, electricity would not exist, so we would live in a constant state of darkness half the time. Travel would be near impossible, because motors and engines would not exist, and also because engineers would not have designed bridges and roads for accessibility. Life expectancy would be much lower, because medicine would not be as advanced as it is now. Life would certainly be much more difficult, and definitely a whole lot different than it is now. Examples like these may be reasons that people believe scientists are more fundamentally important than historians, lawyers, psychologists, teachers, philosophers, or other social science types of professionals.

            However, without other types of people, much of the world’s progress would not have happened. For example, without philosophers, many ideas that scientists have put into action would never have been thought up. Without teachers, knowledge in general could not be passed down, and eventually all knowledge, including scientific knowledge, would cease to exist. Without lawyers, there would be no laws to govern scientific studies and experiments, meaning that all hell could break loose and we would have evil geniuses testing on poor, unsuspecting humans or trying to take over the world.

           It takes many different kinds of minds just to do science in general, therefore it would be very difficult to say which professionals are most important and which could be discarded or forgotten. In short, I believe that each type of profession is absolutely essential in order for the world to function. Just like Professor Andrew Briggs of Oxford University says, it is extremely beneficial for him to have a philosopher in his physics laboratory. The philosopher provides a different outlook, and poses questions that a scientific-minded person might have overlooked, and vice-versa. The relationship is mutually beneficial for all. All kinds of people are needed in order to make the world turn.

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