Space Colonization


Space exploration is definitely one of science’s most spectacular fields. If the 2013 movie Gravity (minus the part where George Clooney dies and Sandra Bullock almost gets stranded in space) wasn’t enough to allow the world to see the unbelievable beauty and serenity of outer space, I don’t know what could. Currently, great minds such as Stephen Hawking have stated that space colonization will become an essential and vital part of life in the future. This statement implies that the future of the human race as we know it does not lie on the planet Earth, rather on another planet or in a man-made space station.

Research into space colonization strikes me as important for a number of reasons. For one thing, the hefty cost of space travel has led big-name agencies such as NASA to rethink their ways. For example, NASA is now attempting to create reusable rockets, which will cut the costs of space travel by 95%. This situation does not only reap economical benefits, but also environmental benefits, as using reusable rockets means less debris on Earth and in space.

Speaking of the environment, space colonization may turn out to be vital in the near future if global warming continues. Right now, human beings appear to be the main cause of global climate change, and are certainly the main cause of pollution on the planet. Our materialism, over-consumption, and overall lack of regard for the planet’s well-being says a lot about our plans for future life on Earth, or lack thereof. If we continue to destroy the only known planet with a breathable atmosphere for humans, we may lose all life as we know it. Space colonization would then become the only solution. However, scientists have admitted that that kind of technology is far from being ready, and is in the mere speculation period. It is therefore of vital importance that we maintain life on this planet, and the only way to do this is to become more environmentally friendly. If every person did one environmentally friendly thing a day, such as take public transit, limit shower time to five minutes, or recycle, we could see a great improvement in global climate change. It will take a huge group effort, but I believe it is possible.

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